Hall of fame

Visit the room dedicated to Don Bluth!
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Click on the footprints to move around the room and click on the eye icon to see the videos.

Cartoons on the Bay has launched in 2018 the prestigious Hall of Fame initiative. It is a virtual zone where it is possible to go in deep with the art and life of the awarded artists within this section. Images, Films, and biographical notes on some of the greatest world animation artists, inspired by the Hollywoodian Streets of Fame.

Cartoons on the Bay has chosen Bruno Bozzetto as the first guest of this virtual gallery in 2019 and it is due from an Italian-based festival, as we have such artists renowned all over the world.

Bruno Bozzetto

Scegliere Bruno Bozzetto come primo ospite nel 2019 di questa galleria virtuale è un atto doveroso da parte del Festival che è stato apprezzato e condiviso da tutto il mondo dell’animazione.

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Don Bluth

Nell’edizione digitale 2020 si inaugurano due nuove sale per altri due grandi maestri: Guido Manuli e Don Bluth.

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Guido Manuli

Nell’edizione digitale 2020 si inaugurano due nuove sale per altri due grandi maestri: Guido Manuli e Don Bluth.

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Fusako Yusaki

Nell’edizione del 2021 si è inaugurata la sala dedicata alla grande Fusako Yusaki

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