“Cartoons On The Bay – International Festival of Animation, Transmedia and Meta-Arts” returns to Pescara after the success of last year’s event. From 31 May to 4 June 2023, the Abruzzo city will host the 27th iteration of the event promoted by Rai and organised by Rai Com. The theme of this year’s event is “Real, Unreal, Virtual. Imagined worlds and imaginary worlds. Between utopia, opportunity and alienation. The suspension of technological disbelief”. In June, the Festival directed by Roberto Genovesi will award three new Pulcinella Awards that look to the future and the innovative ability of the industry: the Transmedia Award (to the brand able to bring viewers to different platforms thanks to its storytelling capabilities), the Meta Award (to the brand able to immerse the viewer in a fascinating, stimulating and safe digital environment). Cartoons is also the first festival in the world to introduce an award for the creative product that best illustrates the complexity of gender issues to its target audience, the Arlecchino Award. New developments also in terms of the competition categories, which can be entered between 1 February and 31 March: Preschool TV Show (2-4 years), Upper Preschool Show (4-6 years), Kids TV Show (7-11 years), Youth TV Show (11+ years), Interactive Animation, Live Action and Hybrid Show, TV Pilot, Short Film and Animated Feature. Three hundred and sixty works entered last year’s Festival, which welcomed over 1000 accredited industry professionals. More than 5000 people attended the shows in Piazza Salotto while thousands of students attended the premières. Milestones that “Cartoons On The Bay” aims to surpass in 2023.
Cartoons On The Bay, in Pescara from 31 May to 4 June 2023