The Cartoons on the Bay International Festival of Animation, Transmedia and Meta-Arts (hereinafter “Cartoons on the Bay” or “Festival”) is organized by Rai Com S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rai Com” or “Organizer”) and is promoted by Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. (hereinafter “RAI”) to support and represent an overall panorama, along with the evolution and latest trends in the Media and Entertainment sectors.
To this end, an art competition is also organized within the context of Cartoons on the Bay geared to the assignment by an International Jury of the “Pulcinella Awards”, which go to the best works and/or professionals identified.
The 27th edition of Cartoons on the Bay will take place in Pescara from 31st May to 4th June 2023.
The Festival may take place live and/or online, both via the Festival website (www.cartoonsbay.rai.it), and through the involvement of platforms of the RAI Group (e.g. RAIPLAY platform) and/or third-party partners, depending on what anti-Covid-19 measures are eventually in force at the date of the Festival and also on national and local measures for the prevention and containment of the Covid-19 epidemic.
Any updates in relation to the places, dates and methods of staging the Festival will always be communicated on the official website of the festival www.cartoonsbay.rai.it
• The President of Cartoons on the Bay is the President of Rai Com;
• The Artistic Director of Cartoons on the Bay, appointed by Rai Com, arranges, coordinates and establishes the guidelines of the Festival;
• The Editorial Committee of Cartoons on the Bay has the task of assisting the Artistic Director in realizing the Festival;
• The Cartoons on the Bay Preselection Jury is tasked with supporting the Artistic Director in choosing the works from among those listed in the Competition section/page on the website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it (and for the Feature Films section), which will be admitted to the Official Selection, picking out both competing works (Nomination) and non-competing works (International Showcase);
• The International Jury of Cartoons on the Bay, consisting of 5 members chosen from among professionals with a proven track record in the world of animation, assigns the Pulcinella Awards to the works competing in the Official Selection;
• The International Feature Film Jury, consisting of a minimum of 3 members chosen from among professionals with a proven track record in the world of animation, assigns the Pulcinella Awards for the Best Feature Film and the Special Mentions.
The Artistic Director, at his or her sole discretion: chooses the members of both the Editorial Committee and the Juries who, in turn, carry out, at their sole discretion, the tasks and activities within their respective remits as regards selection of the works and the eventual prizewinners; he or she also confers any other prizes envisaged by these Regulations in the manner specified.
• Participation is reserved for animated, hybrid, or live action works of any nationality created in the years 2021, 2022 and 2023;
• Entry of works in Cartoons on the Bay is free for all sections in the Competition and takes place through online registration of the work on the Festival website (www.cartoonsbay.rai.it, Competition section) between 1st February 2023 and March 31st, 2023, with sending of the materials to the Festival Offices in the times and manner established by these Regulations.
For the Feature Films section, participation takes place via the Festival website (www.cartoonsbay.rai.it, Competition section) but is also extended to subscribers via the page dedicated to Cartoons on The Bay on the FilmFreeWay platform (website www.filmfreeway. com); in the latter case, the materials must always be sent via the FilmFreeWay platform, between 1st February 2023 and 31st March 2023. Once again, registration for the competition requires compilation of the online form in the “Competition” section of the official Festival website.
Please note that any extensions of the registration deadline and/or for the sending of materials will always be announced on the website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it, and on the page dedicated to Cartoons on The Bay of the FilmFreeWay platform; it is not possible to withdraw a registered work after the final deadline for registration has expired.
• Only works in English or with English subtitles are admitted to the Competition (except for works which do not include dialogues).
• The sending of the materials is at the sole expense and responsibility of the party who registers the work; materials sent to the Festival Offices will not be returned; the use of such materials, including their contents, for the purposes of the Festival, must be understood as exclusively free of charge, therefore there are no fees of any kind for such use.
• Works that have already been entered in previous editions of the Festival shall not be taken into consideration, with the exception of subsequent seasons of Television Series and works previously entered in another category that have been re-elaborated (in this case, it is the responsibility of the participant to give specific indications in this regard when registering). Works already submitted in the past in the competing section (Nomination) can only enter the Official Selection only in the non-competing section (International Showcase) and, in such a case, it is the participant’s responsibility to give specific indications in this regard when registering.
• Registration of a work does not guarantee accreditation by the Festival. Accreditations are awarded free of charge and may be requested via the Festival website.
• It should be noted that responsibility for the registration and participation of a work in the Festival rests exclusively with whoever carries out the registration; this party indemnifies and protects the organizers and promoters of the Festival against and from any claim and/or dispute by third parties that may occur in this regard. Likewise, the party who carries out the registration undertakes to respect and enforce all the conditions and terms set out in these Regulations to any third-party authors and/or participants in the creation of the work.
• In the event that technical or organizational reasons prevent, in whole or in part, the Festival from taking place in the manner and within the terms provided for in these Regulations, Rai Com will take appropriate measures and announce these via the Festival website, www.cartoonsbay.rai.it, on which all information and updates on the Festival itself will also be made available. Likewise, for the Feature Films section, all communications of appropriate measures and updates will be given on the Festival website.
Any requests for clarifications or further information may be sent to the Festival Offices by e-mail to the address: entry.cartoonsbay@rai.it
The Official Selection includes competing works (Nomination) and non-competing works (International Showcase); in both sections the works are divided by Competition Category.
The competing works (Nomination) are candidates for the Pulcinella Awards, assigned during the Festival by the International Jury. In this section, 5 works for each category are submitted (with the exception of the Feature Films category, where the number of nominations may vary at the discretion of the Artistic Director).
For each competing work (Nomination) the Festival arranges for:
• online publication of the work datasheet (accompanied by images, credits and synopses) on the Festival website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it in the dedicated sections;
• inclusion of the work datasheet (as per the previous point) in the Official Festival Catalogue in printed or digital format and/or on the Festival website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it (Official Festival Catalogue);
• inclusion of the production and distribution companies of the works in the Official Festival Catalogue;
• free inclusion of the work in the Festival’s Digital Video Library which can be viewed by all professionals attending the Festival (the Video Library service will be active for the entire duration of the Festival);
• issuing of a Participation Diploma, which will be sent after the end of the Festival in a digital or printed version;
• a public screening of the work for non-commercial purposes during the Festival in relation to the Feature Films category and, at the discretion of the Artistic Director, also other categories;
• possible inclusion of the work in the Festival Showreel for use by Rai Com and RAI Group companies in other contexts of the reference sector, including promotional purposes;
• the right for the owners of the work to insert the name and/or logo of the Festival (and/or, in the case of a prizewinner, also the title of the prize awarded) in their own promotional activities.
The Festival reserves the right to vary the visibility given to the works based on the organizational needs of the ongoing edition.
The non-competing works (International Showcase) offer a picture of the cultural, technological and industrial trends of the sector in the various geographic areas of the planet, with a particular eye on the most groundbreaking realities.
For each non-competing work (International Showcase) the Festival arranges for:
• inclusion of the work datasheet (accompanied by images, credits, and synopsis) in the Official Festival Catalogue;
• inclusion of production and distribution companies in the Official Festival Catalogue;
• free inclusion of the work in the Festival’s Digital Video Library which can be viewed by all professionals attending the event (the Video Library service will be active for the entire duration of the Festival).
The Festival reserves the right to vary the visibility given to the works based on the organizational needs of the ongoing edition.
The Official Selection is divided into the following Competition Categories:
· KIDS TV SHOW (7-11 yo)
· YOUTH TV SHOW (11+ yo)
The Festival organization reserves the right to move a work from one category to another following registration should it be deemed appropriate. It shall be the responsibility of the organization to communicate this accordingly.
The categories reserved for animated television series are divided by target:
• Preschool – from 2 to 4 years old
• Upper Preschool – from 4 to 6 years old
• Kids – from 7 to 11 years
• Youth 11+
The following guidelines must be adhered to:
Only one episode is required for each TV series, chosen at the discretion of the entrant company.
For TV series lasting less than 1 minute, three episodes must be submitted.
TV series dedicated to children and teenagers exclusively or partially realized through live shooting techniques.
Pilots and zero episodes of animated TV series – which represent an exhaustive narrative synthesis with the technical, artistic and content characteristics of the series to be made – must necessarily be entered in the TV Series Pilots category and not in the other categories divided by target.
This category includes TV series (live action and/or hybrids and animated series) intended for an audience over the age of 11.
All fictional and/or documentary works of an interactive and video-game nature, produced for entertainment and/or educational, informative and artistic promotion, with commercial, educational and/or research and experimental goals.
Animated short films possessing the technical, artistic and narrative characteristics suitable for a possible, and desirable, television programming. The purpose of this category is to encourage the spread of short animated films in broadcasters’ programming.
Animated feature films possessing the following technical, artistic and narrative characteristics: animated feature films with a minimum length of 40 minutes; characters created using a frame-by-frame technique; work consisting of a minimum of characters and animation of not less than 75% of the total duration of the work (the Motion Capture technique alone shall not be considered valid).
The International Jury assigns the following prizes among the competing works (Nomination) by Category:
Pulcinella Award Best ’ Preschool TV Show (2-4 anni)
• Pulcinella Award Best Upper Preschool TV Show (4-6 anni)
• Pulcinella Award Best Kids TV Show (7- 11 anni)
• Pulcinella Award Best Youth TV Show (11+)
• Pulcinella Award Best Interactive Animation
• Pulcinella Award Best Live action and/or Hybrid Show
• Pulcinella Award Best TV Pilot
• Pulcinella Award Best Short Film
The International Animated Feature Film Jury assigns the following prize among the works entered in the Feature Films category:
• Pulcinella Award for Best Animated Feature
And the following Special Mentions for works competing in the Animated Feature Films category:
• Best Screenplay
• Best Director
• Best Animation
• Best Soundtrack
The Artistic Director, in agreement with the members of the Editorial Committee, has the right to confer the following Special Awards:
Pulcinella Career Awards
Pulcinella Studio of the Year Awards
Pulcinella Special Awards
Pulcinella Transmedia Award
Pulcinella Meta Award
Pulcinella Arlecchino Award
The Artistic Director, in collaboration with UNICEF, shall also award the following Special Prize:
“Special Award for Best Social Product” chosen from among all the categories in the competition.
8.1 First step – Online registration
To enter for the Festival it is necessary to register the work online via the website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it in the “Competition” section, no later than March 31, 2023 (please note that any extensions to the registration deadline will be announced on the website). At the end of the registration procedure, an e-mail confirming the registration will be sent; should this email not be received, please contact the Festival Offices at entry.cartoonsbay@rai.it.
8.2 Second phase – Activation of personal users
The participant will receive a further subsequent e-mail (which is sent on average one week from the completion of the first phase), which will provide a username and password (credentials) with which to access the portal https://fileportal.rai to carry out the next phase. These credentials are strictly personal. Should this email not be received, please contact the following address: entry.cartoonsbay@rai.it.
8.3 Third phase – Sending the materials
By and no later than 5th April 2023 (any extensions to the deadline for sending material will be announced on the website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it) all materials, with the title of the work in English and the “registration number” (Web ID) given at the end of the registration procedure (e.g., “121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES”), should be sent according to the following procedure:
After logging on to the portal https://fileportal.rai.it, a folder containing the following materials must be sent:
• the video of the work in its entirety, in English or with English subtitles and without any watermarks, following the specifications indicated below (for the Interactive Multimedia Works category, a trailer should be sent):
codec h264 container mp4, resolution 1080p, bitrate between 5 and 8Mbps, or, alternatively,
h264 codec container mp4, resolution 720p, bitrate between 4 and 6Mpbs
• 3 representative images of the work, without logos or titles, at 300dpi with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels
• signed registration confirmation e-mail (Entry Form)
With specific reference to the Interactive Animations category, in addition to the requirements listed above, a copy of the game must be sent for each of the available platforms in each version being marketed.
With specific reference to the Feature Film category, for participants using the FilmFreeway platform, the sending of materials can take place via the Platform itself.
For the Feature Film category, following the pre-selection, only the participants selected in the Competition will be asked to send (at their own expense) the film in its entirety, in English or with English subtitles, in DCP format with CRU, wherever possible not encrypted or with a KDM that remains open for the entire duration of the Festival. The KDM must be sent by e-mail with the subject of the title of the work in English and the “registration number” (Web ID) given at the end of the registration procedure (e.g., “121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES), to the following address: entry.cartoonsbay@rai.it; the film must not have watermarks; failure to send the work will result in it being excluded from the competition.
For any glitches when uploading content, please contact the following e-mail address: entry.cartoonsbay@rai.it
Please note that only in the case of proven reasons and after agreement with the Festival offices, can delivery of the aforementioned digital materials by traditional mail be authorized. The latter method requires the same materials with the same technical specifications to be sent on a hard disk/pen drive for receipt by the deadline indicated above (the postmark will serve as proof of the date of sending) to the following address:
Cartoons on the Bay
Via Umberto Novaro 18
00195 – Rome, Italy
Tel +39 06 331 78032
The requirements listed above must be carefully checked before sending the materials. Materials sent to the Festival will not be returned. In the event of material that is incomplete, or does not satisfy the above requirements, the Festival reserves the right to exclude the work from the selection procedure.
Should the materials sent be – for whatever reason – incomplete, different from the specifications of the Regulations, damaged and/or illegible, the work will not be considered registered nor entered in the Competition, unless the participant is able to rectify the situation, following indications from the Festival organization. We therefore recommend the utmost care in wrapping, packing and shipping any materials.
Please note that responsibility for the successful completion of the uploading of the files, or the arrival at their destination of any shipments via traditional mail rests with the candidate; for digital mailings, therefore, it is recommended to use a connection suitable for this purpose, with a bandwidth of no less than 20Mbs.
The Festival organization will communicate the results of the Official Selection in the dedicated section on the Festival website www.cartoonsbay.rai.it (alternatively, an e-mail may be sent directly to the entrant). For competing works (Nomination), additional material, including multimedia, may be requested.
The works presented at Cartoons on the Bay will be handled with confidentiality. By registering works online and sending the material to the Festival organization, those providing them:
• authorize Rai Com and the RAI Group to use the registered work as part of the various initiatives of the Festival and also through its means of transmission, during, before or after the Festival;
• authorize Rai Com and the RAI Group to use the registered work to promote the Festival and its subsequent editions in any context;
• authorize Rai Com and the RAI Group to use the work also on platforms, websites, etc. of any partners of the Festival and/or platforms of the RAI Group, and give specific consent for these uses and exploitation of the registered works (and presentation material, etc.) that the Organizer may define and implement at its discretion for the purposes of staging the Festival and its future editions;
• authorize Rai Com and the RAI Group to use extracts of the work entered for journalistic purposes and to promote the Festival and its subsequent editions;
• guarantee that they are legitimately authorized to use the work, and that therefore participation in the Festival and any use by Rai Com and the RAI Group within the context of the Festival and related initiatives, will not violate the rights of third parties, expressly indemnifying Rai Com and the RAI Group from any damage or claim, none excepted, which may arise from them, including as regards the title of the work;
• guarantee, from a civil and criminal point of view, the lawfulness of the content and form of the work;
• guarantee that they are the author, or otherwise the owner of all rights to exploit the work required by these Regulations and its various constituent elements, indemnifying Rai Com and the RAI Group from any third-party claims in this respect;
• acknowledge that a work which is part of the Official Selection may be presented by the organizers of the Festival in its various forms, including excerpts, and related re-elaborations (e.g., short clips or trailers) during the Festival and its subsequent editions (inter alia: during the professional programme; while watching in the Video Library; through a public screening for non-commercial purposes);
In particular, pursuant to these Regulations, the work may be used for: projections to professionals accredited to the Festival and/or to a wider audience during the Festival; for other promotional/advertising uses inherent and connected to the Festival (and its subsequent editions);
• authorize the use of the work for viewing by international buyers and distributors in the Video Library;
• authorize the use of the work – and all related materials and information provided to the Festival at the time of registration (inter alia: trailers, digital videos, photos, materials and various data/information) – for the realization and/or production of information and marketing materials in relation to the Festival (and its subsequent editions), for example for bilingual publications (ITA/ENG) relating to the Festival. To this end, please note that the materials of the work may be translated and/or re-elaborated also in relation to their length, depending on the communication needs.
Registration of a work in Cartoons on the Bay:
• implies full acceptance of these Regulations and full compliance with all the information contained therein as well as any additions present on the Festival website cartoonsbay.rai.it; acceptance of the actions and sole discretion of the Festival Representatives;
• implies acknowledgement and awareness of the general ethical principles of honesty and observance of the law, of pluralism, professionalism, impartiality, correctness, confidentiality, transparency, diligence, loyalty and good faith as well as of the content of the Code of Ethics of the RAI Group (hereinafter “Code of Ethics”) and the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of the RAI and Rai Com (hereinafter each individually “Model”), as well as the Three-year Corruption Prevention Plan of the RAI and Rai Com, having examined them carefully, as a whole and in every single part, given that they are available via an electronic link on the following websites: https://www.raicom.rai.it/statuto-e-normative/
• implies having read the information on the processing of personal data drawn up by Rai Com pursuant to Article 13 of Reg. (EU) no. 2016/679 and the privacy legislation in force referred to on the registration form as well as consenting to the processing of the aforementioned personal data – in the terms set out in this Regulation – by Rai Com and/or third companies appointed by Rai Com, including the RAI Group.
Rai Com S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rai Com” for brevity), as Data Controller, hereby affirms that the personal data provided directly by each interested party – when registering for the Competition, when sending material and/or in order to participate in the Festival – shall be used exclusively for the purposes referred to in these Regulations, or to allow participation in the Festival and/or the Competition (including activities deriving from the outcome of the Competition itself). The legal basis of the processing is the consent of the interested party. Failure to provide the aforementioned personal data shall prohibit participation in the Competition and/or the Festival. Personal data may be processed by Rai Com/or appointed third parties, including the RAI Group companies – manually and/or electronically – for the purposes referred to in these Regulations. Interested parties may exercise the rights laid down in Articles. 15 et seq. of the GDPR and the privacy legislation in force, including that of obtaining the cancellation, updating, correction and supplementation of data as well that of opposing, for legitimate reasons, the processing of the same. These rights can be exercised by contacting: Rai Com S.p.A., Via Umberto Novaro, 18 – 00195 Rome, Italy, e-mail: privacy.raicom@rai.it. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the following address: dporaicom@rai.it.
*The full-length disclosure can be read on the Cartoons on the Bay website in the relevant sections.
Competition regulations 2023 Cartoons On The Bay